Thursday, June 13, 2013

Divorce Mediation in Massachusetts

The question I hear most often is whether Divorce Mediation is appropriate for every divorce in Massachusetts. The answer to that question is No, Divorce Mediation is not appropriate in every case. However, most cases can benefit from Divorce Mediation. Even if the parties are unable to agree on every single aspect of their divorce, they may be able to resolve the majority of their issues in mediation. The only cases that may not be appropriate for Divorce Mediation are those in which there is serious domestic violence between the parties. Otherwise, Divorce Mediation can be a cost effective way for parties to divorce and still maintain a relationship with their spouse, especially when there are children involved.

Please contact Attorney Theresa Gomes at 617-524-6600 if you would like to hear more about the benefits of Divorce Mediation in Massachusetts.

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