Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why Divorce Mediation is a Good Alternative to a Contested Divorce in Massachusetts

The end of a marriage is certainly a stressful time for all parties involved. Some divorces can cost thousands upon thousands of dollars in legal fees. In a traditional divorce, both parties usually pay for their own attorneys. In Massachusetts, the cost for a good attorney can be somewhere in the area of $250.00-$400.00. per hour. Given those numbers, it is easy to see how a contested divorce could become very expensive.

Divorce Mediation in Massachusetts can provide individuals with a more cost effective, amicable way to end their marriage. Divorce Mediation is a process by which two individuals who wish to be divorced, discuss all of the issues involved and attempt to come to an agreement that is acceptable to both parties. The process is monitored by a neutral person, the Mediator, as the parties try to work out their issues and concerns. The Mediator does not represent either party, and does not act as an attorney. The Mediator will assist the parties in writing an agreement if they are able to come to one.

Divorce Mediation can be considerably less expensive than a contested divorce. Both parties share in the cost of the Mediator. In addition, Divorce Mediation can be less time consuming than a contested divorce in Massachusetts. If the parties are able to work out their problems in Mediation, an agreement may be written in a short amount of time.

Attorney Theresa Gomes is a Certified Mediator in Massachusetts and would be happy to assist you in mediating your divorce.


  1. Do you know how things differ in NH or Msine?

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